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All inside for the Alumni Garden Party!

All inside for the Alumni Garden Party! featured image

On Sunday 30 June, we welcomed alumni from across our Schools back to campus for the annual Alumni Garden Party. Held this year in the grounds of the High School Quad, which due to the weather was then moved into the High School Hall, was an opportunity for alumni to return to school and reminisce on their time whilst enjoying a picnic-style buffet lunch with friends.

And although the sun was not shining and the temperature was much cooler than a garden party requires, it did not dampen the spirits of those joining us! Speeches were given by the Director of Development and Alumni Engagement, Stuart Swan, who thanked everyone for coming, and the Chair of the Loughburians Committee, Claire Burnett (LHS 1997), who spoke briefly about the three Schools sitting together under The Foundation’s umbrella.

Starting the event with a tour of their chosen school, alumni met at the Amherst School gates, the Grammar School quad gates or the entrance to the High School to meet their respective tour guides.

Out of Bounds at Amherst

It was James Neville, the Headmaster of Amherst, who led the tour around his school, starting in the Cloisters and then to the Chapel. James spoke of the Pugin history and pointed out the Mother Superior Mary Amherst in a stained-glass window just to the left of the altar. The group were wowed with the condition of the Chapel and remarked on how it felt ‘just the same’ as they entered the hallowed space.

The tour continued to the Sixth Form common room, which for many was an area of school that was out of bounds during their time due to it being the nuns’ bedrooms. Many enjoyed the view over the playground, with the new Convent being pointed out to them, which is now situated just across from the Prep School.

After a visit to the RE classrooms in the old Convent buildings, which held special memories for some, James led the group across the grass past the veranda classrooms and into the new Justham Library, which was opened in 2022 by Author Giles Kristian (LGS 1994). Alumni were impressed by the changes of this space and the hugely improved selection of fiction and non-fiction on offer to the current pupils compared to their offering.

After a visit to the new Science block – which was opened in 1997 and remembered by alum Natalie Cichy (OLCS 2004) when she was in Year 7 – it  was time to return to the High School for lunch.

Up the Tower at the Grammar School

Over at the Grammar School, it was archivist John Weitzel who led the tour and after spending time finding themselves on their respective school photos, they made their way to the top of the Tower. As is often the case, this was the first time most of the alumni had been right to the top, and as well as getting the magnificent views up the unaltered 59 steps of the spiral staircase, they were able to reminisce in T1 and T2.

Amongst the group was Martin Turnidge (LGS 1989), who was visiting from the USA with his family and could not believe that the School was founded before the USA was founded or that pupils were taught in such odd classrooms accessed in such a peculiar manner, which incidentally were condemned in the 1907 inspection report.  They were used to long corridors and lots of lockers!

As well as visiting the Queen’s Building and admiring the stained-glass window, much of the tour concentrated on Science, visiting the 1895 Science Lecture Theatre (L1) and the 1931 Science extension (Library) before progressing to the Science and Maths Park constructed between 2008 and 2013.  The tour ended in Hodson Hall, which most of the alumni remembered well as it is unaltered from their time here. However, this was not the case for two alumni as the Hall was built after their time in the School in the 1950s.

Tales from the Ballroom at the High School

Over at the High School, Dr Emma Fraser from the Development Office led the tour with the alumni thrilled to become reacquainted with areas of the School which remain unchanged since their era. Alumni from the Class of 1964 and 1974 were delighted to explore the rabbit warren of rooms in Rokeby, locating the old library and former Sixth Form Common room in the attic. Tales of ballroom dancing lessons with Mr and Mrs Woods and sunbathing  in the Sixth Form garden were shared.

All guests were astounded by the changes to campus including the newer facilities such as LHS’s new Sixth Form Centre, the combined Music Department and The Parkin Sports Centre. They were pleased to hear that House Competitions remain as competitive as ever with the spirit and ethos of their old schools burning as brightly as when they left.

Guests were then able to join the Al Fresco event at Fairfield, which is the highlight of the musical calendar and showcases The Foundations’ pupils’ musical talent in a festival-style concert with parents, staff and friends!

  • All inside for the Alumni Garden Party! featured image
  • All inside for the Alumni Garden Party! featured image
  • All inside for the Alumni Garden Party! featured image
  • All inside for the Alumni Garden Party! featured image
  • All inside for the Alumni Garden Party! featured image
  • All inside for the Alumni Garden Party! featured image
  • All inside for the Alumni Garden Party! featured image
  • All inside for the Alumni Garden Party! featured image
  • All inside for the Alumni Garden Party! featured image
All inside for the Alumni Garden Party! featured image All inside for the Alumni Garden Party! featured image All inside for the Alumni Garden Party! featured image All inside for the Alumni Garden Party! featured image All inside for the Alumni Garden Party! featured image All inside for the Alumni Garden Party! featured image All inside for the Alumni Garden Party! featured image All inside for the Alumni Garden Party! featured image All inside for the Alumni Garden Party! featured image