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Grace inspires Year 12, sharing her experience at university and her career aspirations in Formula 1

Grace inspires Year 12, sharing her experience at university and her career aspirations in Formula 1 featured image

Grace Blain (LHS 2023), visited the Design and Technology department recently to talk about her experience of studying Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sheffield. Speaking to pupils from both Loughborough High School and Loughborough Grammar School, she provided a valuable insight into this field and commented on her personal journey from the High School to University which was no doubt hugely beneficial for the Year 12 pupils to hear.

Grace says: ‘It was lovely to return to my old school and I really enjoyed talking to the students.

‘I am just coming to the end of my first year in Sheffield. I’m loving the course; the integrated projects are amazing and it’s all really interesting! I’ve been successful in gaining a place on the Formula Student team, Sheffield Formula Racing, and I am an engineer for the ‘chassis and driver environment’ sub-team. Next year I will be taking on the role of Business Lead alongside this. It’s been amazing to get so hands on with engineering!’

Grace would love to work in Formula 1 once she graduates, as a performance engineer, but she is acutely aware that it’s a very competitive industry. She could also see herself working in the motorsport or automotive industry, possibly in Germany, or in a factory as she’s recently discovered a love of manufacturing and processes.

She adds: ‘My time as a student at LHS was amazing, I was the Learning Support Prefect and did maths, further maths, physics and German (which was split between LGS and LHS) at A Level, having been at the school since Year 7. I enjoyed every bit of those seven years and whenever I come back it still feels like home. A particular highlight every year was the staff panto at Christmas, and my favourite trip was the junior classics trip to Italy I went on in Year 8.’