Back to Leave a Lasting Legacy

Making a new Will or adjusting your existing one is relatively straightforward. If you need help finding a solicitor, the Law Society is a good place to start in the UK.

  • Decide who you would like to benefit from your Will, such as your family, friends, charities (our registered charity number is 1081765) and other good causes and how you want to distribute your estate.
  • Appoint a professional adviser – usually a solicitor.
  • Choose executors to ensure that your wishes are carried out. These can be professional advisers, friends or family members, or one of each.
  • Keep your Will safe and make sure your executors know where to find it.
  • Give a copy to your solicitor.

If you already have a Will, you can update it using an additional form called a codicil form. Please get in touch for a copy of our codicil form.

Please do get in touch with Stuart Swan or the Development team when the time is right for further information.

Ways to Leave a Gift in Your Will

There are many ways that you can donate to Loughborough Schools Foundation through your Will:

  • A pecuniary bequest is a specific sum of money. The following wording is suggested: “I give the Loughborough Schools Foundation (charity number 1081765) the sum of £ (amount) free of tax for the general purposes of the (schools/name of school) and I declare that the receipt of the Bursar or other authorised officer shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my Executors.”
  • A residuary bequest is a percentage share of your estate and is the simplest to administer. The following wording is suggested: “I give (…) % of the residue of my estate to the Loughborough Schools Foundation (charity number 1081765) free of tax for the general purposes of the (schools/name of school) and I declare that the receipt of the Bursar or other authorised officer shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my Executors.”
  • A reversionary bequest leaves your assets to a named beneficiary (for example your spouse) for their lifetime, then your wishes revert to your original intentions.
  • A specific gift allows you to leave specific items such as shares, property or stocks to the School, either on terms that they be retained or that they may be sold when advantageous to provide funds for Loughborough Schools Foundation. If you are considering this type of bequest, please contact us so that we can discuss what you have in mind.

Key details

Name of charity: The Loughborough Schools Foundation

Registered Charity number: 1081765

Address: Loughborough Schools Foundation, 3 Burton Walks, Loughborough LE11 2DU

Gifts left in Wills to Loughborough Schools Foundation are exempt from inheritance tax (IHT) due to the School’s charitable status in UK law. The Loughborough Schools Foundation is a Registered Charity, number 1081765, regulated by The Charity Commission.