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Military Wives Choir Sing for a Cause Close to Their Hearts

Military Wives Choir Sing for a Cause Close to Their Hearts featured image

Over £3,000 was raised for the Defence and National Rehabilitation Centre (DNRC) at Stanford Hall by the Rempstone Fund Raising Committee and Loughborough Endowed Schools when they combined to organise a successful fund raising evening on 10 June 2017.

A concert by Cottesmore Military Wives Choir – a group united in their love of singing and shared links with the services – saw them performing a variety of popular songs and recounting their own experiences with the military.

They were joined by Smith and Sergeant, the musical comedy duo who

perform in the style of Flanders and Swann. A highlight was a piece written especially for the evening by Peter Sergeant and a final piece which included audience participation and brought the 200 strong audience to their feet. Peter also acted as compere for the concert. He introduced Luke Wigman an ambassador for the DNRC who was severely injured whilst serving in Afghanistan and spoke movingly about the importance of rehabilitation for injured service personnel.

A sparkling wine reception and canapés served during the interval made it a summer evening to remember whilst raising funds and awareness of the DNRC, which is under development at Stanford Hall, and is scheduled to open next year.

This was the second event organised by the Rempstone Fund Raising Committee under the Chairmanship of Richard Beeby. Along with the Beer and Curry evening held in Rempstone in January it brings the total raised for the DNRC to £5,000.

If you would like further information regarding fund raising for DNRC please get in touch with: Nicki Dalton on 01509 881285