Our Pioneers is the final room at Loughborough Nursery and what a busy year the children have ahead of them in this room.
This room is all about preparing the children with the skills they need ready for school. These are not just skills such as letter formation, these are skills such as independently being able to get dressed for P.E, being able to communicate their wants, needs and wishes, being a kind person with good manners and being able to use their fine motor skills to open packets in case they have a packed lunch.
Our aim is to equip the children within this room for every eventuality they may encounter at school. We do this via a range of different activities, whilst still providing a nurturing environment that encourages awe and wonder. For example, in this room we have a sound of the week, this enables the children to become familiar with phonics and letter formation however, we ensure the children are provided with the play based experiences needed to help develop their muscles needed for handwriting.
To encourage a love of literacy and to get the children used to having reading books we have sessions at Amherst Library where the children are able to take books home to share with their family.
This is also the room where the children begin to take part in our Forest School sessions, helping the children develop independence, confidence and problem-solving skills.
The children in this room enjoy a trip to the farm at the end of the academic year as well as taking part in the Harvest Festival and Nativity play at Amherst Chapel.
To show the children how proud we are of them for completing their journey at Loughborough Nursery, we hold an end of year graduation to allow us all to celebrate the children’s achievements together.
"The setting provides a high standard of care and staff demonstrate a secure knowledge of how children of this age learn. "