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Child’s Details

DD slash MM slash YYYY
DD slash MM slash YYYY

Sessions Required

Number of Weeks(Required)

Parent/Legal Guardian Details

Mother’s/Guardian’s Full Name
Father's/Guardian’s Full Name

Early registration is recommended. Registrations will be considered in the order they are received; a registration fee of £75 per child is payable to secure a place. This is non-refundable if the child does not attend. The offer is subject to availability. Terms and Conditions will apply.

Child Protection

Safeguarding Children – Information for Parents

Loughborough Nursery feels it is of the utmost importance to have good systems for protecting children and safeguarding their welfare, throughout all the activities, which Loughborough Nursery undertakes. This means that staff and volunteers must be alert to possible concerns about every child, and to report these in a proper fashion. Loughborough Nursery has a Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.

Data Protection

I understand that information from this form may be processed for purposes by Loughborough Schools Foundation under the Data Protection Act 2018 and that individuals have, on written request, the right of access to personal data held about them. For the purposes of compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018, I hereby give my consent to Loughborough Schools Foundation to process the personal and sensitive data supplied in the Registration Form

In order to assist with the transition process into primary school at age 4+, please provide your preferred destination or catchment area school:
Please use this space to provide any further details relating to any matter about which you feel we should be aware.

Registration fee of £75

Payment can be made either by cash, cheque (payable to Loughborough Schools Foundation) or by bank transfer using the following details:

Loughborough Schools Foundation
Current a/c no.08171610
Sort Code 60 14 10
IBAN: GB86 NWBK 6014 1008 1716 10
Reference: LNRF and your child’s surname

Paid By Bank Transfer
Tick here to indicate that you have paid by bank transfer.
DD slash MM slash YYYY