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The Control Measures that we are implementing as per the risk assessment

Unlike older children and adults, early years and primary age children cannot be expected to remain 2 metres apart from each other and staff. Settings shall work through the hierarchy of measures set out below;

•             Avoiding contact with anyone with symptoms.
•             Frequent hand cleaning and good respiratory hygiene practices.
•             Regular cleaning of settings.
•             Minimising contact and mixing.

To reduce contact between people as much as possible, children shall only mix in a small, consistent group and that small group (pod) stays away from other people and groups by;

•             Where settings can keep children and young people in those small groups 2 metres away from each other, they should do so.
•             For pre-school children in early years settings, the staff to child ratios within Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) continue to apply (max of 8 per group)
•             Ensuring that children are in the same small groups at all times each day, and different groups are not mixed during the day, or on subsequent days.
•             Ensuring that the same teacher(s) and other staff are assigned to each group and, as far as possible, these stay the same during the day and on subsequent days, (recognising for secondary settings there will be some subject specialist rotation of staff).

•             Ensuring that wherever possible, children use the same classroom or area of a setting throughout the day, with a thorough cleaning of the rooms at the end of the day.
•             For primary age children, classes shall be split in half, with no more than 15 pupils per small group and one teacher (and, if needed, a teaching assistant). Desks shall be spaced as far apart as possible.

For secondary age children, the same principle of halving classes will apply. Classrooms and workshops shall be rearranged with sitting positions 2 metres apart. Where very small classes might result from halving, it is acceptable to have more than half in a class, provided the space has been rearranged. (senior schools only)

•             Seating pupils at the same desk each day if they attend on consecutive days.
•             Deciding which activities will be delivered, how and when (e.g. a full or part-time timetable, delivering practical teaching activities such as science, design technology etc.?).
•             Considering which activities could be delivered outdoors (subject to weather conditions).
•             Allocating teaching and support staff and refreshing the timetable in light of the above.
•             Settings have the flexibility to focus first on continuing to provide places for priority groups.
•             Ensuring that staff, children, and parents/ carers are briefed on the new timetable and (age appropriate) social distancing procedures.

To prioritise safety during incidents, in an emergency (for example, an accident, fire, or break in), people do not have to stay 2m apart if it would be unsafe. People involved in the provision of assistance to others should pay particular attention to sanitation measures immediately afterwards, including washing hands.

Each settings Behaviour policy has been updated to include sanctions for actions that do not adhere to the requirements of social distancing, good personal hygiene and following other related rules.
The practical implementation of social distancing will depend on the local circumstances, however general controls will include:

•  Using additional signage to ask pupils/staff not to enter the school if they have symptoms (Visitor policy updated)
• Regulating entry so that no area becomes overcrowded.
• Using floor markings and signage to facilitate compliance with the social distancing advice of 2 metres.
• Staff supervising to remind children/staff to follow social distancing advice and clean their hands regularly.
•  Placing plexiglass barriers at the reception counters, as an additional element of protection for staff and visitors

  • Maintaining social distancing wherever possible, while people travel through the workplace including;

  1. Reducing movement by discouraging non-essential trips within buildings and sites, for example, restricting access to some areas, encouraging use of radios or telephones, where permitted, and cleaning them between use.
  2. Implementing measures to keep groups apart whilst in common areas such as one-way systems with signage for external access paths, corridors and staircases, use of markings in playgrounds, limiting the number of persons that can access the toilets to one at any one time, taping off toilets/ sinks to aid social distancing measures etc.
  3. Using the timetable and selection of classroom to reduce movement around the setting. Noting that brief transitory contact, such as passing in a corridor is advised by the government, as a low risk.
  4. Staggering assembly groups.
  5. Staggering breaks to ensure that any corridors or circulation routes used have a limited number of children using them at any time.
  6. Packed lunches are to be brought to the classroom.
  7. Staff and children to access rooms directly from the outside where possible and safe to do so (considering safety of routes).
  8. Reducing job and location rotation, for example, assigning staff to specific areas or keeping personnel dedicated to one site.
  9. Introducing one-way flow routes through buildings through signage that clearly indicate the direction of flow.
  10. Reducing maximum occupancy for lifts, providing hand sanitiser for the operation of lifts and encouraging use of stairs wherever possible.
  11. Making sure that people with disabilities are able to access lifts.
  12. Regulating use of high traffic areas including corridors, lifts and staircases to maintain social distancing.
  13. Using safe outside areas for breaks.
  14. Outdoor equipment not to be used unless it can be appropriately cleaned between groups of pupils using it. Outdoor equipment must not be used simultaneously by multiple groups.
  15. Halls, dining areas and internal and external sports facilities for assemblies, dining and exercise to be operated at half capacity. If class groups take staggered breaks between lessons, these areas can be shared as long as different groups do not mix (and especially do not play sports or games together) and adequate cleaning between groups is in place.
  16. Creating additional space by using other parts of the site or building that have been freed up by remote working.