Music Scholarships are available, by audition, to musicians whether instrumentalists or vocalists, showing exceptional promise, commitment and ambition. They provide the framework for a comprehensive partnership between the pupil and the Music department. Music Scholarships will be tenable for the duration of a pupil’s time at the Loughborough Schools Foundation, subject to annual review, and comprise individually tailored support with performance practice, music theory and aural skills, unrivalled ensemble experience and full access to the Enhanced Music Programme. Scholars must be enthusiastic and able musicians, who can demonstrate their passion for the subject as well as their technical skill. They will be mentored throughout their time at School to ensure they become the best musicians that they can be. Competition for Scholarships is very fierce and they are strictly limited in number.
What is the benefit of being a Music Scholar?
There are many benefits to being a scholar. You would have bespoke support offered to help you along your musical journey, as well as carrying the status of being a ‘Music Scholar.’ Specifically, you would:
1. Have a personal mentor on the music staff who would take care of you for the duration of your scholarship. You would have two official meetings a year with your mentor who will keep an eye on your progress and commitment, making sure you have the opportunities that you need without being overwhelmed by it all. However, you would also be able to go to them at any point of the year if you felt that they could help you in any way.
2. Be assigned to a ‘Music Scholar Team;’ this will contain scholars from across all year groups.
3. Be assigned a ‘buddy’ from amongst the older scholars in your team who would be able to help you through any tricky situations and just provide a guiding hand.
4. Be invited to perform in scholars’ concerts and other events, for example lunchtime concerts at Loughborough Parish Church.
5. Be invited to termly scholars’ breakfasts.
6. Have full access to our Enhanced Music Programme, a series of workshops and talks designed to help you to take your music making to the next level.
7. Have coaching sessions with external specialists where appropriate.
8. Have access to specific support for example Alexander Technique sessions or accompaniment sessions where appropriate.
9. Have first refusal on places for concert trips (at no additional cost) and other opportunities.
10. Have your name on the Music Scholars board.
11. Receive 2 free tickets for the Spring Concert at De Montfort Hall, and Al Fresco.
What are the expectations of a Music Scholar?
1. We would expect you to be an ambassador for music in your school.
2. Take part in performances as required.
3. You would be expected to take part in ensembles as appropriate to your instrument(s), in discussion with your mentor.
4. Even if you are not a singing student, we would expect you to join a choir.
5. We would expect you to attend at least two meetings a year with your mentor.
6. You should be prepared to work hard and continue to progress well with your music both practically and academically, with scholars usually taking music as far as GCSE as a minimum.
A Music Scholarship is a two-way relationship. The award would be reviewed annually to ensure that it is still the right thing for you and for us. It is therefore important that if you are struggling that you let us know as soon as possible, and we will do our best to help you.
What does the audition involve?
Although we are looking for pupils who play at a good standard for their age, we do also take into account what the instrument is, and musical potential. Once your application is accepted you will then be invited to attend a scholarship audition which will involve:
1. Performing a piece or song that really shows off your abilities on each of your instrument(s) or voice.
2. Sight reading on your first instrument.
3. Unaccompanied song if singing isn’t offered.
4. A discussion with the Director of Music.
Standard music scholarships at the Loughborough Schools Foundation do not normally carry with them any financial recompense. Families requiring bursarial support can apply for means-tested School Assisted Places (up to 100% of fees). Further means-tested financial support is available through our Music Tuition Assistance scheme in order to fund individual music lessons; both scholars and non-scholars are eligible to apply for this funding.
How do I apply?
Music Scholarships are available for pupils entering Year 7, Year 9 and Year 12 and we welcome applications from both internal and external candidates. An offer of a Scholarship is conditional on gaining entry to one of the Schools in the Loughborough Schools Foundation. We ask for applications to be submitted by 19:00 on Thursday 9 January 2025, with auditions scheduled for the 16 – 17 January 2025. Applications can be made via the website of the appropriate school using the links below.