The Loughborough Schools Foundation believe that fundraising from the Schools’ core communities (parents, alumni, staff, governors and friends) alongside that from external companies, trusts and foundations is essential to increase the financial resources required to achieve the Loughborough Schools Foundation Mission.

We will: 

  • Fundraise only for purposes that are of strategic importance to our mission
  • Always comply with the Code of Fundraising Practice as issued by the Fundraising Regulator
  • Spend donations prudently
  • Honour all restrictions placed on donations by donors
  • Promptly acknowledge every donation
  • Tell donors how we used their donation
  • Recognise donors appropriately and respect the wishes of those who wish to be anonymous
  • Keep records of donations safe and confidential
  • Adhere to requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998
  • Keep administrative costs as low as practically possible
  • Operate fundraising appeals in a cost-effective manner
  • Report fundraising income and expense accurately in our accounts
  • Listen to and take all reasonable donor suggestions on board
  • Respond promptly to donor questions and complaints

We will not:

  • Deliberately mislead or confuse donors or prospective donors
  • Bombard individuals with excessive requests to donate
  • Pressurise donors or prospective donors to give
  • Accept donations for purposes that don’t advance our mission
  • Accept donations where we identify a potential conflict of interest with the donor
  • Communicate with donors in ways which they tell us are unacceptable
  • Solicit donations from individuals who have asked us not to do so
  • Sell or trade information about donors to third parties
  • Pay commissions or other income-linked payments to fundraisers

Document Created April 2018
Version 0.2