Back to Coronavirus – Parent FAQs

Back to School Medical Questions

Please see below some frequently asked questions and answers. Our aim is to provide guidance to parents regarding general illness and COVID symptoms. Children will be within a year group “bubble” at senior school with other arrangements in Prep. Please be aware that if a child within a bubble tests positive for COVID, the whole bubble may be required to self-isolate at home for 14 days, we will always strictly follow PHE advice.

Any child or adult displaying possible COVID symptoms must not leave home. Please follow the government guidance( In addition to the well-known symptoms of; a new / persistent cough, loss or change of sense of taste or smell and a high fever, several other symptoms or complications have been noted in children. (

It will be necessary for poorly children to have time away for school, when they would usually just “push through”, this is due to the need to consider the health and well-being of our whole campus population.


What should I do if my child informs me in the morning at home that they feel unwell?

Please do not send your child to school. It may be that you just feel that your child has a simple ailment e.g. a cold or a migraine, for which you would usually send them to school, however in the current situation any child who feels unwell at home in the morning must stay at home.

What will happen if my child starts to feel unwell during the day at school?

Your child will be sent to the school nurse / office, who will call you immediately and advise you that your child must be collected. Your child will wait in an isolation area suitably supervised until collected. You will be advised to go straight home and call 119 to arrange a COVID Test for your child if appropriate.

My child was sent home, but I do not think it is COVID, what should I do?

Any child that is sent home, must stay off school for a minimum of 48hrs. If your child has had a negative test, they can return to school. If you decide to not get a test (e.g. you think your child had a migraine / cold) your child can come back to school 48hrs after their symptoms cease. We strongly advise you to get a COVID test, the vast majority of cases will require this.

If my child feels unwell at school and would like a rest in a medical room before a decision is made to send them home will that be ok?

Unfortunately, due to social distancing no children will be able to spend any time in the medical room. Our rooms are closed; children will be treated outside the medical room in a well-ventilated space. All children that report to sick bay feeling unwell will be immediately sent home.

I think we need to update our parents contact details?

If you are concerned that we do not have your correct contact details, please contact the relevant data manager;

We are concerned because our child is in year group with international boarders?

All boarders have been COVID tested by the school. Boarders from countries that do not need to have a 2-week quarantine period have still had a COVID test. All boarders from a 2-week quarantine country have been in school already for 2 weeks before the start of term and have already had 2 x screening COVID tests. All boarders will fulfil the full period of self-isolation as required.

We have been abroad on holiday; what information does the school require?

Please be aware of any possible need to quarantine. If you have returned from an “air bridge” country, you do not need to quarantine. Please inform school immediately if you are now aware that you need to quarantine upon your return. Countries are regularly updated on-line: . If your child or any members of your party fall ill on return to the UK, please call 119 and arrange a COVID test. Please do not send your child to school until you are confident that you do not need to quarantine.

My child is in class and begins to feel unwell, what should they do? Please make your child aware that if they become

Please make your child aware that if they become unwell, they must immediately inform the tutor. They will need to pack up their belongings as they will be away from school for a minimum of 48hrs. They will use the wipes provided to wipe down their desk and will use hand gel as they exit the classroom. They will report immediately to the school nurse / office, who will contact you to arrange swift collection from school.

I have been notified by school that a child within my child’s “bubble” has tested positive, what should we do?

In the event of the school being notified of a positive test case, the school will contact Public Health England as per the guidance and follow their advice. It may be likely that their “bubble” will have to stay at home and self-isolate for 14 days. If your child develops any symptoms during that time, please arrange a COVID test and inform the school if it is positive. Academic work will be set by each individual school.

If one of my children is in a bubble which is now isolating, can my other child go to school?

We will follow public health England advice on this however if the isolating child does develop symptoms and / or has a positive test, the whole family will then start a 14-day self-isolation.

Are there any plans to cancel school trips?

Government advice has made it clear that there is likely to be the need for a significant ‘lockdown’ of the country at some stage during this epidemic. It believes that this will be ineffective if the public is required to isolate themselves for too long a period since we will grow tired of the inevitable privations. Therefore we are seeking to maintain as far as possible our normal school routines until instructed otherwise.

If my child has a headache / period pains, can they go to the school nurse/office to get a paracetamol?

Yes, however we will temperature check every child we see, and if we believe there is more to the presentation, we will send the child home. Hot water bottles cannot be used, we are working to provide an alternative if possible.

My child is being sent home poorly, can they have a COVID test before they leave school premises?

We will be testing our boarders regularly over the term. We strongly advise you to call 119 if your child is sent home to arrange a free NHS COVID test, however we may have a limited provision to test a day child prior to them leaving school unwell. Parents will be required to agree that the fee of £125 will be added to their school fees. When speaking to the school nurse/office about collection, please tell them if you would like to request this. Note tests are subject to availability.

School Nurse email addresses: