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Year 6 Girls’ Hockey V. Spratton Hall

Year 6 Girls’ Hockey V. Spratton Hall featured image

On Wednesday 8th November the Year 6 Girls ventured south down the M1 to play their second year group fixture of the season against Spratton Hall. All four matches were played in a friendly yet competitive spirit, with chances to score falling to both teams. The girls had the opportunity to play in a variety of positions and continued to learn now to take effective short and long corners. They should be very proud of their performance and take forward what they have learnt from the afternoon into their next set of matches against Leicester Grammar. Many thanks to all the parents who travelled to support, it was greatly appreciated.


A team 2-1 win

B team 1-0 lose

C team 1-0 lose

D team 2-0 lose

Mrs Sutcliffe