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Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success

Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image

We are extremely proud of our Year 11 students on their achievements at GCSE. Our students have shown superb resilience and have impressed us by their “can do” attitude and mature work ethic. Their diligence and determination never wavered, and the boys can now be relieved and proud of results that accurately reflect both their hard work and the skilled direction and dedication of their teachers.

With a quarter of the grades awarded being grade 9, and almost 60% at grades 9-7, our boys have cause to celebrate.  Five boys achieved an outstanding clean sweep of grade 9 and a further 26 achieved 8 or more grade 9/8.

Huge congratulations are due to all our boys for their focus, drive and strength of character-their future is bright!

Some comments from the pupils:

Dillon, was “Very happy!” on receiving 8 grade 9s for his GCSE results today, he is now ‘looking forward to A Levels’ and studying History, Spanish, Religious Studies and Greek. His advice for all GCSE students is, “take mocks seriously” as he believes that this was one of his key factors in achieving exceptional results. Asked what motivated his choice of A Levels he explained his plan to be a Diplomat after graduating.

Oscar, who received 9s across all subjects was “So relieved and happy!” today. His advice to future GCSE students… “Start early, work hard and listen to the teachers, because they really know when it comes to the subjects”. Sage advice Oscar! As he progresses towards a future career in law or history he will be studying; Latin, English, History and Spanish. He also hopes to have a role in which he can travel and visit more overseas countries.

Daniyal said he felt “amazing!” after receiving 4 grade 9s, 3 grade 8s and a grade 7 within his results today. He is looking forward to studying some of his favourite subjects at A Level which are Biology, Chemistry and Geography and told us the key to his success is to do ‘a little bit everyday’. He also can’t wait to start Sixth Form.

Speaking today, Helen Foster, Head, said, “I am incredibly proud of our pupils. Each and every boy should be very pleased with their progress on their academic journeys over the last five years. We’re looking forward to seeing so many familiar faces in our Sixth Form and helping our boys continue to flourish.”

  • Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image
  • Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image
  • Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image
  • Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image
  • Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image
  • Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image
  • Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image
  • Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image
  • Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image
  • Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image
  • Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image
  • Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image
Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image Loughborough Grammar School pupils celebrate GCSE success featured image