Fairfield Prep School has been judged ‘EXCELLENT IN ALL AREAS’ in its Independent Schools Inspection Report.

‘The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.’

 ‘The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.’

Students at Fairfield Prep School have been praised in their recent inspection. Visited by the Independent Schools Inspectorate, Fairfield achieved an excellent rating across all categories.

“Pupils of all ages exemplify excellent attitudes to learning. Pupils are mature and disciplined learners who take great pride in their work and are keen to improve. They describe how much they enjoy working collaboratively and do so sensibly and effectively in lessons. Younger pupils work diligently on tasks set without prompting and older pupils demonstrate sustained self-motivation and concentration when working on writing tasks.

In accordance with the schools’ aims, pupils relate to each other extremely well and are most caring towards one another. Pupils develop increasingly excellent awareness and respect for each other’s cultures, values and traditions as they progress through the school, a finding agreed by every parent who responded to the inspection questionnaire. Pupils describe their appreciation of the culturally diverse school community and the excellent levels of respect shown between peers. Pupils say that there are no barriers to friendship.”

Highlights of the ISI Inspection Report 2021:

  • “From an early age and throughout the school, pupils demonstrate an exemplary attitude to their learning.”
  • “Pupils are extremely confident and articulate communicators.”
  • “Pupils make excellent progress across the curriculum.”
  • “Pupils work exceptionally well together to reach common goals.”
  • “The excellent behaviour of all pupils and their full engagement in school life allows them to learn in an environment of shared endeavour.”
  • “Pupils demonstrate outstanding appreciation of diversity, including that represented within the school.”
  • “Pupils show notably high levels of self-confidence and are very self-motivated.”


On academic and other achievements

“From an early age and throughout the school, pupils demonstrate an exemplary attitude to their learning.”

“Pupils are extremely confident and articulate communicators.”

“Pupils make excellent progress across the curriculum.”

“Pupils work exceptionally well together to reach common goals.”

On personal development

“The excellent behaviour of all pupils and their full engagement in school life allows them to learn in an environment of shared endeavour.”

“Pupils demonstrate outstanding appreciation of diversity, including that represented within the school.”

“Pupils show notably high levels of self-confidence and are very self-motivated.”


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Pupils of all ages exemplify excellent attitudes to learning. Pupils are mature and disciplined learners who take great pride in their work and are keen to improve. They describe how much they enjoy working collaboratively and do so sensibly and effectively in lessons. Younger pupils work diligently on tasks set without prompting and older pupils demonstrate sustained self-motivation and concentration when working on writing tasks.


In accordance with the schools’ aims, pupils relate to each other extremely well and are most caring towards one another. Pupils develop increasingly excellent awareness and respect for each others’ cultures, values and traditions as they progress through the school, a finding agreed by every parent who responded to the inspection questionnaire. Pupils describe their appreciation of the culturally diverse school community and the excellent levels of respect shown between peers. Pupils say that there are no barriers to friendship.

Good Schools Guide

Alongside our ‘Excellent’ inspection report, Fairfield Prep School has also been recognised by independent reviewers for its high academic standards and commitment to pastoral care, amongst other things.

“Particularly noticeable is how curiosity, critical thinking and creativity are encouraged at every turn.”

Good Schools Guide 2023



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Reports and Reviews featured image