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Harry Humber Sixth Form Music Scholarship

Harry Humber Sixth Form Music Scholarship featured image

We’re delighted to be able to announce the launch of The Worshipful Company of Plaisterers Harry Humber Music Scholarship which will enable a talented Sixth Form musician to benefit from the outstanding musical education available at Loughborough Schools Foundation which is sector leading, with staff being specialists in all areas. 

This Scholarship, which would not have been possible without the generosity of The Worshipful Company of Plaisterers, will support a local Sixth Form musician with a household income of £40,000 or less, or demonstrating financial need and wishing to attend Loughborough Grammar School, Loughborough High School or Loughborough Amherst School in September 2022. 

It will provide £7,500 a year towards tuition fees with the opportunity to top up to 100% based on financial need with recipients performing for an intimate event at Plaisterers Hall once a year. 

Harry Humber Sixth Form Music Scholarship featured image
Harry Humber Sixth Form Music Scholarship featured image

The Music department is home to some world class facilities such as individual studios, ICT suites, keyboard labs, seminar rooms, two state of the art recording studios and a 120 seat Recital Hall. Loughborough Schools Foundation is also an All-Steinway School, meaning that all our pianos are Steinway or designed by Steinway with grand pianos in all of our performance spaces. 

Our instrumental teachers, many of whom balance teaching with successful performing careers, teach over 700 individual instrumental and singing lessons a week within the department providing pupils with a huge range of options for music-making. 

There are numerous music-making opportunities with over 50 instrumental ensembles and choirs, including three orchestras and several chamber music ensembles, which rehearse each week. Performances take place regularly, either in School, the local community or further afield, along with annual concerts at Leicester’s De Montfort Hall. Our talented musicians also have international reaching and have in recent years toured Prague, Barcelona, Geneva, Cornwall and in July 2023 will be touring the Loire Valley. 

Harry Humber Sixth Form Music Scholarship featured image

Interested in this scholarship? 

If you would like to be considered for this scholarship then please contact Nicky Bouckley, Director of Music, Loughborough Schools Foundation at 

Want to know more about scholarships and philanthropy? 

If you would like to know more about how to establish a scholarship to support Loughborough Schools Foundation’s talented students or would like to know more about other giving opportunities then please get in touch with the Development Team at