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Potential Clashes with Music Lessons

Loughborough Schools Music, as far as possible, will avoid scheduling Music lessons during trips, tests, sporting activities and other School commitments. However, all senior pupils are responsible for informing the Music department of the times and dates of School commitments. This also applies to private appointments during the School day, a doctor’s appointment for example. A minimum of two week’s notice is required otherwise lessons may still be scheduled and charged for. Notice can be given by completing a purple absence notification slip, available at the Music Reception.

Please note if your child is absent from School due to illness they are not permitted to come into School to attend an individual music lesson.

Fixed Lessons

Fixed lessons are usually reserved for pupils in Years 11, 12 & 13 as they cannot miss academic lessons in their examination subjects. Lessons for pupils below these years are only fixed, with the agreement of the Director of Music, when the pupil learns multiple instruments or there is a demonstrable need for having a fixed time.

Senior Pupils: Fixed lessons may be made available to Years 11 & Sixth Form only if it can be fixed in one of their free lessons, at lunchtime or after School.